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Mutual Funds: A Financial Buffet

Updated: Aug 6, 2023

Stocks and bonds and commodities...oh my! If you want a little of everything, then mutual funds may be your investment of choice.

Often times, investments can feel overwhelming. There are so many options for you to choose from and making a selection can feel like an all or nothing game. Luckily, there is an investment tool which gives you the option to buy into a preselected mix of investments that suit your needs and objective. Allow us to introduce...the mutual fund.

What is a Mutual Fund?

A mutual fund is a type of investment vehicle that pools money from many investors and invests it in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and money market securities. Mutual funds are managed by professional investment managers who are responsible for selecting the investments that will make up the fund's portfolio.

Did You Know: The first mutual fund was created in 1774 by John Hancock. It was called the Massachusetts Loan Association and was used to finance the American Revolution.


There are many reasons why people invest in mutual funds. Here are some of the pros:

  • Diversification: Mutual funds offer diversification, which is the practice of investing in a variety of assets to reduce risk. This is because the performance of one asset class is not likely to perfectly correlate with the performance of another asset class.

  • Professional management: Mutual funds are managed by professional investment managers who have the expertise and experience to select the right investments for the fund's portfolio. This can be a major advantage for investors who do not have the time or knowledge to manage their own investments.

  • Liquidity: Mutual funds are liquid assets, which means that they can be easily bought and sold. This makes them a good option for investors who need to access their money quickly.

What aspect weighs the most in your selection of a mutual fund?

  • 0%The company managing the fund

  • 0%The level of volatility/risk involved

  • 0%The fund's track record/performance

  • 0%The fees associated with the fund


As with all investments, everything is not all rainbows and roses. Here are a couple drawbacks to mutual funds:

  • Costs: Mutual funds typically have fees associated with them, such as management fees and expense ratios. These fees can eat into your returns, so it's important to choose funds with low fees.

  • Risk: Mutual funds are not risk-free investments. The value of your investment can go up or down, depending on the performance of the underlying assets.

  • Taxes: Mutual funds may be subject to taxes, such as capital gains taxes and dividend taxes. It's important to understand the tax implications of investing in mutual funds before you invest. Luckily you have an accountant in your corner!

How We Can Help

Mutual funds can be a good investment for beginners and experienced investors alike. They offer diversification, professional management, and liquidity. However, it's important to understand the risks and costs associated with mutual funds before you invest.

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